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Thread: Please have your Small Pet Fill this out!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!

    Please have your Small Pet Fill this out!

    **This is JUST for Fun and to learn more about your pet!**

    Full Name-
    Type of Animal-
    Color of hair or feather-
    fav. toy-
    fav. hide out-
    fav. friend-
    Worst enemy-
    scardie cat or brave pet-
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)-
    bad habits-
    good habits-
    do u like treats?-
    rain or shine?-
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?-
    destroying cage or room-
    Hyper or calm?-
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)-
    Last edited by Aspen and Misty; 10-18-2003 at 02:42 PM.
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Full Name- Julian
    Breed- Holland Lop
    Type of Animal- Bunny
    Age- 1 year old
    Color of hair or feather- Grey
    size- Medium
    sex- Male
    fav. toy- Baby keys
    fav. hide out- Under the bed
    fav. friend- Tyah
    Worst enemy- Tyah
    scardie cat or brave pet- Brave!
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- Tap
    bad habits- I throw my litter all over
    good habits- I give kisses
    do u like treats?- YES! Yogert Chips, thanx to Thelmer for introducing me to them!
    rain or shine?- Shine (I once sneaked out the door while it was raining, I was scared/wet and all alone)
    snow?- I love snow!
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- Warm, I get to go outside, but cold while inside
    destroying cage or room- Of course, every good bunny does!
    Hyper or calm?- Calm
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- NO!

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Full Name- Tyah June
    Breed- Mini Rex
    Type of Animal- Bunny
    Age- 5 months
    Color of hair or feather- Red
    size- small
    sex- Female
    fav. toy- my brick and wood
    fav. hide out- Behind the toilet
    fav. friend- Julian
    Worst enemy- Julian
    scardie cat or brave pet- Scardie
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- Tap
    bad habits- I “spray” the walls
    good habits- I get really happy and do binkies when my momy enters the room!
    do u like treats?- LOVE THEM Yogurt treats (thanx Thelmer)
    rain or shine?- Shine
    snow?- Whats snow?
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- Warm, I love it when it’s toasty
    destroying cage or room- Yes, I’m not litter trained yet
    Hyper or calm?- Hyper!!
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- Don’t bother me to much

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Full Name- Melony, Hope, Tundra and Brook
    Breed- hooded, Hooded, Huskie, Berkshire
    Type of Animal- Rats
    Age- (Hope and Melony) 3 (Tundra and Brook) 2
    Color of hair or feather- White and Grey
    size- Small
    sex- Female
    fav. toy- Boxes
    fav. hide out- Boxes
    fav. friend- We all are friends!
    Worst enemy- Nova, she tries to eat us!
    scardie cat or brave pet- Were brave!
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- Bottled (spoiled?)
    bad habits- Biting through bars
    good habits- We love to give kisses
    do u like treats?- YOGIES!!!!
    rain or shine?- Shine
    snow?- Yes please!
    cold weather? hot weather? in between weather?- Colder
    destroying cage or room- Of course!
    Hyper or calm?- Hyper
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- We don’t mind them!

    Melony, Hope, Tundra and Brook
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Full Name- Peaches Smeaches
    Breed- Veiled Chameleon
    Type of Animal- Chameleon
    Age- Un-know
    Color of hair or feather- Green/red/orange and every once and awile I’m brown
    size- About your hand
    sex- Un-known
    fav. toy- My tree
    fav. hide out- My tree
    fav. friend- My mommie
    Worst enemy- Novie
    scardie cat or brave pet- Scardie
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- Tap
    bad habits- None
    good habits- loves to be held
    do u like treats?- Yea
    rain or shine?- Shine
    snow?- NO WAY
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- WARM, HOT!!
    destroying cage or room- Nope
    Hyper or calm?- A lil of both
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- No way!

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA

    Re: Please have your Small Pet Fill this out!

    Full Name- Miss Hoppy
    Breed- Small brown bunny - up-eared!
    Type of Animal- bunny
    Age- 6 1/2
    Color of hair or feather- Caramel with darker borwn/black marking, and a white tail!
    size- small
    sex- female, spayed
    fav. toy-
    fav. hide out- under something - bureau, bed, stove
    fav. friend - Paul and I
    Worst enemy - Screaming crows/hawk
    scardie cat or brave pet- warns us of danger, then flees (cautious)
    water that you like the best (bottled or Tap)- bottled
    bad habits - chewing on the house (baseboards, mostly, many now have a custom bunny-bevel)
    good habits - fastidious, all things must be in their place, well-groomed
    do u like treats?- absolutely!
    rain or shine?- shine, please, rain musses up my fur - and it's WET!!!
    snow?- no, thank you.
    cold weather? hot weather? in between weather?- anything but really hot
    destroying cage or room - never, I'm just redecorating
    Hyper or calm?- calm
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- are you insane? Who would LIKE being tortured and wet - how completely undignified!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Arlington, Texas
    Full Name-thelmer louise
    Breed-Mini Lop rabbit
    Type of Animal-rabbit
    Age-about 1 and 1 month
    Color of hair or feather-brow/white feather?
    fav. toy-noisy carott
    fav. hide out- under the bed
    fav. friend- don`t have any
    Worst enemy-don`t have one
    scardie cat or brave pet-brave!!!
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)-what is the diffrence?
    bad habits-bite
    good habits-binkies
    do u like treats?-uh huh!!!
    rain or shine?-Shine(so i can play out side!)
    snow?-i dunno
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?-not to hott an little cold
    destroying cage or room-i lov destroying eveything!
    Hyper or calm?-a little bit ov both
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)-[b]nooo!!!![b/]

    Bye thee way: I`m a cutee!!!

  8. #8

    Re: Please have your Small Pet Fill this out!

    Full Name- Muffin
    Breed- Cockatiel
    Type of Animal- Parrot/Bird
    Age- 4 years
    Color of hair or feather- um........grey, yellow, white, orange........
    size- 12 inches crest - tip of tail (long tail)
    sex- Female
    fav. toy- Swing, jewelery, strings, and GOLD!
    fav. hide out- Her mommy's room
    fav. friend- Human best friend, me.........birdie friend, Popcorn
    Worst enemy- The neighbor's cat that visits our backyard
    scardie cat or brave pet- Scardie birdie big time. She needs lots of cuddles and love from her mommy to calm her down after she gets startled........but if nothing's out of the ordinary, she can be brave too. She's scared of flying, scared of spiders, scared of dolls and big balls and small children. She thinks she's a human and as long as she acts like a human she's happy. When it comes to acting like a bird........even flying from the sofa to the floor, she freaks out and calls her humans for help.
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- Purified water fron the water shop only. Much too spoiled to get tap water.
    bad habits- Muffin.....bad habits? Are you kidding? My sweetie pie has absolutely no bad habits! Ok, she has one........splashing her food out of the cage and onto the floor when she eats.
    good habits- Very gentle, never bites, very loving, cuddly, polite, respectful.
    do u like treats?- LOVES treats! Millet, honey seed sticks, whole wheat bread, broccoli, cereal, and popcorn are some of her favorites.
    rain or shine?- DEFINITELY shine!
    snow?- Never seen snow
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- temperature
    destroying cage or room- Would love to destroy all the jewelery in the house if given the chance. Breaking pens and tearing paper are also her favorite destructive things to do.
    Hyper or calm?- VERY calm, but occasionally hyper...........when she has her days.
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- Baths are FUN! Of course Muffin loves baths! Sometimes she tries to stuff herself in her water bowl when she really really wants a bath, and her mommy's too busy to give her one!

    __________________________________________________ __

    Full Name- Popcorn
    Breed- Cockatiel
    Type of Animal- Parrot/Bird
    Age- 4 years
    Color of hair or feather- Yellow/white/orange
    size- 13 inches crest to tip of tail (long tail)
    sex- Male
    fav. toy- Mommy's earings! ..........and of course, playing soccer with grapes!
    fav. hide out- Behind his basket
    fav. friend- Best human brother (you should see how insane he goes when my brother gets home from school) Best birdie friend........Muffin
    Worst enemy- One of my mom's friend's 5 year old daughter. She drives him crazy and he absolutely panics when she comes over. Now we lock the birds upstairs in the master bedroom when she visits because the birds just can't stand her, and fear her more than the world
    scardie cat or brave pet- Brave-wannabe! In fact, he thinks he's the bravest birdie on the planet..........but if something happens suddenly, he gets very scared! Of course he's brave enough to dare try it again!
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- Purified water from the water store only. My birdies get the same water as me.
    bad habits- Popcorn? Bad habits? Are you kidding? LOL Ok, he enjoys breaking whatever he can get his little beak on. He also throws all his food in his water, watches it float, and then attacks it and eats it. LOL
    good habits- Whistling with his mommy, and singing for us every morning. Giving kisses (he does it so much its become a habit), being cuddly and loving and sweet.
    do u like treats?- Of course! Love them! My favorite treat is what I'm named after. Popcorn! Of course I LOVE whole wheat bread, cereal, veggies, millet, and everything else Muffin likes and more too!
    rain or shine?- Shine makes me so happy I sing. Rain makes me depressed until Mommy takes me outside so I can take a shower in it! Now that makes my day! I LOVE rain showers!
    snow?- Never seen snow
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- Room temperature
    destroying cage or room- My hobby! What a better thing than to destroy everything I can get my beak on?
    Hyper or calm?- Popcorn is my hyper little boy. Well, he IS a boy!
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- Baths? Oh no! I HATE baths! I LOOOVE showers though! Give me a shower any day!


    Last edited by popcornbird; 10-18-2003 at 04:01 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Born in Scotland, live in England UK
    Full Name- Millie
    Breed- Half lop
    Type of Animal- Bunny
    Age- 1
    Color of hair or feather- smokey grey and white
    size- smallish
    sex- female
    fav. toy- ball with bell
    fav. hide out- behind the telly
    fav. friend- me
    Worst enemy- Bunny
    scardie cat or brave pet- brave
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- any
    bad habits- chewing wires
    good habits- giving me licks
    do u like treats?- yes, milk drops, yum!
    rain or shine?- shine
    snow?- never experienced it yet
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- just nice
    destroying cage or room- yes, all of the time
    Hyper or calm?- calm and energetic sometimes
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)-NOWAY!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle GA USA
    Full Name- Nibbles McDuck
    Breed- Muscovy/mallard
    Type of Animal- Duck
    Age- 5 months
    Color of hair or feather- brown and white,green and even some purple
    size- about 20 Inches won't hold still. Think of a rugby ball with a head and tail
    sex- I'm a boy
    fav. toy- toes
    fav. hide out- under the table
    fav. friend- My boy Alek
    Worst enemy- the cats next door
    scardie cat or brave pet- Chicken.
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- wet
    bad habits- love bites that are to rough
    good habits- very quiet
    do u like treats?- Hmm peaches and watermelon
    rain or shine?- Shine rain scares me
    snow?- Can't wait to see some
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- Whatever mom keeps it inside
    destroying cage or room- Poops any and everywhere
    Hyper or calm?- depends
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)-Oh yes!! I am very compulsive and do a very good job


  11. #11

    Re: Please have your Small Pet Fill this out!

    Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
    **This is JUST for Fun and to learn more about your pet!**

    Full Name- Cheif Wiggum
    Breed- Ooohh... you're soo cute.... (that's what Mommy says we are...)
    Type of Animal- Rattie!
    Age- Four Months
    Color of hair or feather- Black n' white.
    size- Big!
    sex- We're boys!
    fav. toy- Da hammock!
    fav. hide out- Da hammock! And da tissue box!
    fav. friend- Bart!
    Worst enemy- Bart!
    scardie cat or brave pet- Scardie Cat!
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- Tap
    bad habits- Going peepee on Mommy, and in our beds (and making Auntie mad!) and in our house and every place, and fighting and Bart biting me.
    good habits- Licking Mommy, climbing to the top of the cage ta play, cuz Mommy likes that.
    do u like treats?- Yetz! Gimme! Gimme!
    rain or shine?- Shine!
    snow?- Whatz snow?
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- In between.
    destroying cage or room- Yup, we do dat sometimez.
    Hyper or calm?- Hyper!
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- No! Go away!
    Only Wiggum will be filling ths out, since they'll probably answer the same.

    Bart and Wiggum:
    In the Spotlight

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Long Island, NY, USA
    well.. this will take some time.. lol:
    Full Name- Floppsy
    Breed- Lop Rabbit
    Type of Animal- Rabbit
    Age- 4 years old (just turned 4 this month )
    Color of hair or feather- white with light brown spots
    size- medium..probably
    sex- female
    fav. toy- her little flip-n-toss thing
    fav. hide out- under the lounge chairs on the porch
    fav. friend- me!
    Worst enemy- Lady the big bad dawgee
    scardie cat or brave pet- scardy cat
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- bottled
    bad habits- tipping her food dish over
    good habits- cuddling, hopping around, being Floppsy!
    do u like treats?- yep
    rain or shine?- shine
    snow?- nope
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- loves warm weather
    destroying cage or room- yes, sometimes
    Hyper or calm?- hyper sometimes and calm sometimes
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- no way!
    Full Name- Mack
    Breed- Argenti (I think) Gerbil
    Type of Animal- Gerbil
    Age- about 5 months
    Color of hair or feather- white with light brown spots
    size- small
    sex- male
    fav. toy- his wheel (if that counts)
    fav. hide out- underneath the bedding
    fav. friend- me!
    Worst enemy- the cats
    scardie cat or brave pet- brave pet
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- tap
    bad habits- chewing on everything in sight
    good habits- playfulness, never really bites
    do u like treats?- definetly! especially yogurt drops
    rain or shine?- preferably warm in the house
    snow?- no way.. brrrr
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- likes warm weather
    destroying cage or room- oh yes!
    Hyper or calm?- calm mostly.. but can be hyper more towards the night
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- nope
    Full Name- Sterling
    Breed- Dwarf Hamster
    Type of Animal- Hamster
    Age- 2-3 weeks old
    Color of hair or feather- pure white
    size- tiny
    sex- female
    fav. toy- wheel (if that counts)
    fav. hide out- under the bedding right behind her food dish
    fav. friend- me
    Worst enemy- the cats
    scardie cat or brave pet- sort of in-between
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- tap
    bad habits- bites when I stick my hand in the cage, but not enough to break skin. (hoping to get her used to me so she won't do that)
    good habits- loves to run, hardly bites when out of the cage
    do u like treats?- yes
    rain or shine?- shine
    snow?- nope
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- warm weather
    destroying cage or room- only a little bit
    Hyper or calm?- hyper
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- nope
    Full Name- Speedy
    Breed- Dwarf Hamster
    Type of Animal- Hamster
    Age- about 7 months old
    Color of hair or feather- pure white
    size- small
    sex- female
    fav. toy- wheel (if it counts.. lol they all like to run)
    fav. hide out- in her little plastic house
    fav. friend- Perrie (RB hammie), and my sister
    Worst enemy- the cats
    scardie cat or brave pet- very brave pet
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- tap
    bad habits- bites me HARD and doesn't bite my sister at all
    good habits- likes to run & play
    do u like treats?- yes
    rain or shine?- shine
    snow?- nope
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- in between
    destroying cage or room- yeah
    Hyper or calm?- in between
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- nope
    Mom to Ethan, Sophie and Sansa

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Thanx everyone!
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada

    Re: Please have your Small Pet Fill this out!

    Full Names- Peregrine took, Meriadoc Brandybuck!! our mommy loves hobbits
    Breed- blazed, husky, berkshire rats.
    Type of Animal- fancy Ratties
    Age- 19 weeks
    Color of hair or feather- brown. black, and white
    size- small
    sex- males
    fav. toy- Our mom
    fav. hide out- igloo
    fav. friend- Eachother
    Worst enemy- New people
    scardie cat or brave pet- Scardy cat
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- cool
    bad habits- pooping around the litter box and not in it
    good habits- Popcorning
    do u like treats?- YESS!!!
    rain or shine?- SHINE and RAIN because our mom cuddles us all the time is both types of weather
    snow?- We havent experienced snow yet, whats that ??
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- in between weather because then mom lets us run around outside with her
    destroying cage or room- huh, We never mess up our room, we always keep it nice and tidy
    Hyper or calm?- Pippin" I am very calm but when I see my mommy I love to popcorn around" Merry"I love to run around the cage in a frantic rush when I see new people, so that makes me hyper"
    like B-A-T-H-S?(shudders)- baths!!! AHHH run!!
    Last edited by tikeyas_mom; 10-19-2003 at 02:20 AM.
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Costa Brava,Catalonia
    Full Name- Siset Bum-bum
    Breed- Dwarft Hotot
    Type of Animal- Rabbit
    Age- 2+?
    Color of hair or feather-White, black ears
    size- small
    sex- male
    fav. toy- noisy toys
    fav. hide out- behind a flower pot
    fav. friend- me
    Worst enemy- none
    scardie cat or brave pet- brave
    water that you like the best( bottled or Tap)- tap
    bad habits- pooping around the litter box and not in it
    good habits-
    do u like treats?- yes!
    rain or shine?- we doesnt' know yet.
    snow?- not avaliable here
    cold weather?hot weather?in between weather?- in between
    destroying cage or room- No
    Hyper or calm?- calm
    like B-A-T-H-S?It looks likes he enjoy a good warm shower.

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