Uggh. Here's my pity party for the day. I woke up this morning, with only half a voice & very sore throat. Guess that's the price to pay for being around kissy relatives all weekend.

Anyway, all day long I've laid around thinking that I couldn't possibly get worse, but that's what has happened. I have a fever, aches & pains all over, extremely sore throat, pounding head, and living on juice, broth & rice. And I just heard a report on about how bad the flu season is this year. Tell me about it!!

Anyhoo, I'm back to my coughdrops and blankets. I can only sit at the computer for 5 or 10 minutes at a time 'til I'm too exhausted.

On the positive side, Marigold has been a velcro baby all day. For almost an hour she lay on my stomach with her paw on my chin. My muscles wanted to move so badly, but I didn't want to risk her running away. And Malone just knows that something is wrong. He keeps coming up and putting his big nose on my arm and whimpering, as if to ask me what is wrong. They are the best comfort a person could ask for.

Anyway, I'm done my pity party. Thanks for listening.