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Thread: Who are the few PTers that you admire most?

  1. #1

    Who are the few PTers that you admire most?

    I know that there has already been a thread on " Who do you Admire?" but I wanted to sort of bring it back because it was a very sweet thread I thought. Here are JUST A FEW.

    Kfamr: Kay is so sweet. She loves Simba and Nala more than anything and I can see that. She is always willing to make you a sig. She is good at so many things. I cannot name them all. Kay gives young people a good word. She definately has the ability to be the first woman president. Kay has feelings just like the rest of us, and she wants people to know that. People mess with her sometimes about what she says, but she replys with a smiley in her post. These are JUST A FEW reasons why I admire Kay so much.

    CountryCowgirl: Kaylin loves horses and barrel races. She also shows animals. She understands my point of view when I try to explain stuff to her about my horses and animals. She was a born barrel racer just like me. I look forward to meeting her at the Houston livestock show. She will be showing and I think that it is so awlsome that she likes to show. She will always be understandable when you are stuck in difficult situations. These are A FEW reasons why I admire Kaylin so much.

    GoldenRetrLuver: Julie is always glad to help me out when I have trouble pasting my sig. or avatar. I can trust her with my password. I know that she won't tell anyone. She loves her 2 dogs and always will. She is always willing to participate in anything that has to do with helping out animals, or just something silly. Julie is a nice girl, and I hope to meet her,Molly, and Daisy one day. I am hoping soon. Meeting Julie would be great.

    DukeDogsMom: I admire Val because she was so good to Chance. She made him so happy and that has meant a lot to me. When I saw his face in those pictures that she put on here I would have never in a million years relized that he was once before homeless. He was so happy. Val did that. With her love and patience look what she did. I mean she even found him a home for Christmas!! Val deserves so much more than this little message that I am writing saying why I admire her so much. She deserves a medal of gold.

    Wolfsoul: I admire Jordan because of her kind heart. I believe that if I was around her a lot she would never stop smiling. Of course, I wouldn't know unless I got to spend an afternoon with her. She likes it when boys are more percise than sloppy. For instance..
    Instead of saying Hey. She would much rather have Hey Jordan. I respect that all the way Jordan.
    You love Timber like she is your own child and you should. You always have something nice to say in " Messy" situations. You do not like to get in the middle of fights. I admire you for all of these things. You are a really cool person is really what I am trying to get my point out to.

    My fingers are starting to hurt. I am doing one more ant THAT'S IT.

    GP girl: You are always ready to talk on Yahoo Messanger. You always like to joke around with me and other people and I think that you are funny. You always like to ask how I am doing and how my pets are. You also like to ask how my holiday went. Most people just talk to me because they want something and not because they want to know how I am doing. But, you just want to " talk" You don't want anything back from me but a How are you doing back. And I can live with that.

    Alright, that's it for now. Anyone else want to share?

  2. #2
    Kfamr: I really admire Kay. She seems to be such a nice person, and she takes wonderful pictures. I love reading all of her posts, and enjoy talking to her on AIM, etc. I hope to see many more pictures of Sim and Nala in the near future. -hint, hint-

    Pam: Pam is one of the nicest people know. She is so kind, and always has something nice to say. I love seeing Bella and Ripley, my two favorite poodles. Keep posting Pam!

    GoldenRetrLuver: Julie, you are always so much fun to talk to, and you always seem to be in a good mood. I can talk to you about anything, and you aren't mean like me. And you can always put a smile on. *inside joke*

    Popcornbird: PCB, you are also so much fun to talk to! I love seeing and hearing about Popcorn and Muffin, and of course, seeing pictures! You can always give me good advice on Nelly, you are the first person I ask! Thanks for all of the great advice you have given me!

    RICHARD: How could I forget you?!? I talk to you to everyone, LOL, you always can make me laugh, you are just too funny! I haven't seen you around lately, where have you been? You make the Thursday threads so much fun, and make my Shirley Temples *perfect*

    I admire so many people, but I am only going to name a few, because I could blabber on for days. I will add more people when I think of them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    edmonds, wa
    oooo cool!
    umm...lets see...well ..hmmm i'll have to think about it for a while. bu ti'll get back to you. i kinda know who i want to say, but i have to think why and how to write it..... i'll be back....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Emmz: Yep, gotta love Emma. She's just a great person and a great friend.

    Amber: Always full of energy! You are so fun to talk to on AIM.

    Sandra: With 10,000+ posts, who doesn't look up to her? LOL... But really, Sandra, you are so kind and caring to everyone and everything. I really look up to you.

    Aly: For your kindness and caring attitude towards all the animals you have fostered. Major kudos to you!

    Ticosmyham: My Annie... my sweet sweet psychic Annie. And the fluffy Tico... Annie you're my best friend! *dances for Anne*
    Last edited by ILoveMyAbbyGirl; 12-30-2003 at 09:57 PM.


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  5. #5
    Oh, there are so, so many people that I truley admire, but here are a few and I'll post more later

    Julie:You are such a kind person. You are great to talk to, and a wonderful person. You know just what to say when someone's feeling down. You're a great friend.

    Amber(camcampup):You are such a fun person! A great friend and someone willing to offer advice and comfort.

    Emma:Even though I haven't talked to you a lot, I really really like you. You are fun, and absolutly wonderful.

    Megan:Just like Emma, I haven't talked to you a whole bunch. But I still know that you are a great person and fun to be around.

    Amber(Katie's mom):You seem like such a sweet person! I would really like to get to know you.

    Kayann:I haven't really gotten to know you, or talked to you much, but I would really like to. You seem like such a wonderful person, and I want to get to know you. I can tell how much you love your babies, and that shows and tells a lot about you.

    Well, I think that's enough for now, and I will probably write more later.
    Dayna, Alex, Phoebe, Cleo, Rolo, Scooter, & Holly

    Thank you so much Popcornbird!

  6. #6
    I had to go look up her username...

    I also admire apcrs5122:

    She is a very sweet girl, and very full of energy. Always ready to talk to you. When she gets to talking about horses, she will never stop. She loves horses as much as Kaylin and I do! Now that is love. She barrel races too and shows a real passion for it. I respect her and trust her word. She makes me want to let out what is inside me and go battle a monster 300+ times my size. I guess she just makes me feel strong.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Southern California
    Aww...thanks you guys.

    Amber- My budday/sister/AIM friend! You're so nice and fun to talk too. It's never a dull moment when you're around. I feel I can tell you anything. I only hope I can one day get to Florida and meet you.

    Emma- Or should I say THE Emma? You're so friendly, and always cheer me up when I'm feeling down. I can tell you anything.

    Ashley- My shaking fat/jiggling butt buddy! You're just a great person and I love talking to you. You always give out wonderful advice, and you're such a nice person.

    Jordan- Jordo! You MUST come on over when you come to CA...that'd be awesome. You're a nice person with a great sence of humor.

    Kayster- What can I say? You're so cool. I enjoy every picture of Simba and Nala you post, and I love talking to you.

    Brookster- My coolio budday. You're just great to talk too and I love every one of your posts. You brighten my day.

    Dayna- You're so nice! I love talking to you and seeing your posts.

    Kater- You're such a nice person and I enjoy talking to you on AIM; and thanks for all the Vegitarian info. I am considering it!

    Theres a lot more...but my hands are tired.
    Last edited by GoldenRetrLuver; 01-18-2004 at 10:41 PM.

  8. #8
    I have a lot actually...
    Kay - Cause she's awesome Sticks up for what she believes and lots of other stuff

    Sandra - Always has something nice to say. I don't think I've ever heard a negative comment from her :x Also she seems to put others before herself..I wish I was like that..

    Catnip - Always listens to all my crap and whining

    Amy - amazing artist -shakes fist-

    Anna_66 - I don't know you overly well, but you seem really nice

    Lots more

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  9. #9
    Oh! I forgot CJ!

    CJ:You are an absolutly fantastic person! I really love talking to you, you're so sweet (yeah! sweet hehe) and nice, and everything else.
    :EDIT:We've gone Mexican!!!!!! OLE'!!!!
    Last edited by apcrs5122; 12-30-2003 at 11:43 PM.
    Dayna, Alex, Phoebe, Cleo, Rolo, Scooter, & Holly

    Thank you so much Popcornbird!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Here's part two!

    Dayna: You are so cool. I'm glad you're back! *And you like my story.. that's a plus!* LOL j/k

    Karen: So highly respected!! Where would we be without you? And... you deal with us!! Another good point

    Ashley [binka]: You are a great person. You always have something to say to make people feel better. And you have the most beautiful dogs in the world!

    Jordan: You are so kind and nice to people. I don't talk to you much on AIM, but when I do, you're always fun to be around!


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Jose, CA
    Cass (luckies4me): For all the rescue work you do!

    Thank you Wolf_Q!

  12. #12
    WHOA!!!! Hold up!!!! Have we all forgotten Karen?

    Why, if it wasn't for Karen some of us wouldn't even know the ones that we say that we look up to. Oh my gosh. How could we have forgotten you Karen? Well, here's mine.

    Karen: Karen you are so sweet and care so much about animals. You always want to remind us to be nice. You do not like for us to fight. I am glad that you do not like the fights because only person that they will really listen to is you.
    Karen, when times were rough for me and I had to leave PT for a while. You still talked to me on e-mail. That meant a lot to me. You really mean a lot to all of us. Not only because you made this website, but because you are you.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Ottawa ,Ontario, Canada
    I admire

    EVERYBODY! lol I know your only suppose to choose a few but I couldn't lol.

    ~*~Thanks Liana For The AWESOME sig!~*~



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Southern California
    I'm back.

    Cayter- Caaaaaaaaaayter! I can't wait to meet you in February! You're such a cool person and I love talking to you on AIM. You da best.

    Sandra- You have to be the nicest person I've ever met! Only, we need some pictures! Each and every one of your 11,000 posts is filled with love and consideration.

    Liana- My MSN buddy. You're great to talk too, and a good friend. You just need to tell me the secret to Mickey's coat! I don't believe it's the lepurachauns.
    Last edited by GoldenRetrLuver; 12-30-2003 at 10:29 PM.

  15. #15
    Ahh, yes, Karen!(and Paul):If it wasn't for you, there would be no Pet Talk! But I also admire you very, very much. For everything you do, and the tolerance that you mush have. You deal with problems here, and handle them well. You offer great advice and are always offering a helping hand. We love ya!
    Dayna, Alex, Phoebe, Cleo, Rolo, Scooter, & Holly

    Thank you so much Popcornbird!

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