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Thread: I need some Advice on Patches ASAP!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    I need some Advice on Patches ASAP!

    Patches is in heat... I think? She isn't trying 2 get out or nothing but " Grrring" all the time. And today she used the bathroom on my bed, number 1 only, but still!! She knows where the litter box is, and I have shown it to her, Its been in the same place it has been since we got her, it is clean, and easy to get to... BUT I have heard you guys talking about Crystals in the pee, what is that? What do you think may be wrong with her, The vet wants 300 dollars to run test and fix her, he said he must run test before he fixes her to see if its an infection,And I don't have 300 dollars until next week OHH I don't know what to do!! My Hubby doesn't like her peeing on the bed... (of course) and said he will take her to the pound if she wont stop... ( he is a nice guy I think he was just mad because she peed on his blanket) anyway, please give me some advice, THANK YOU!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Glendale, AZ
    Sounds like she may have a urinary tract infection! She needs to get to the vet cause they can be fatal if not taken care of. Do you have any low cost vets in your area? Also here's a number to call for low cost spaying. They will provide you with a name and number of a vet closest to you:

    Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is a full management plan in which stray and feral cats already living outdoors in cities, towns, and rural areas are humanely trapped, then evaluated, vaccinated, and sterilized by veterinarians. Kittens and tame cats are adopted into good homes. Healthy adult cats too wild to be adopted are returned to their familiar habitat under the lifelong care of volunteers

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Connecticut, USA
    I agree with K&L, she needs to get to a vet. Smokey will always growl, hiss and spit when he has crystals in his urine.

    Smokey, Mystic, Abner

    Gabriel (Dude), Gracie, Vegas, and Scarlet

    Consider adopting a special needs pet, they deserve a chance too!

    Tony 2/15/99
    Tigger 10/16/06
    Tucker 8/1/08

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I must live in the only city around that DOES NOT have vets that tell me, "I must have XZY amount of money to fix your cat"

    Take her to your normal vet. Surely a urinalysis does not cost 300. Antibiotics are not 300. A physical exam is not 300. Get another vet..but, get her to a vet ASAP!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanks guys, Im calling that 1800 number right now, I will keep you updated, but what is crystals in the pee????? Patches is sleeping right now...

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    My Luna had struvite crystals in her urine, which had led to a bladder infection and which can cause struvite stones if they remain untreated.

    Struvite crystals develope when there's an alcalic pH-value in the bladder. A cat that once had struvite crystals will probably need a special diet for the rest of its life.

    When a cat refuses to use its litter box, it could be for many different reasons, but you have to get the urine tested to find of there's a medical problem or not.

    I think it could be very well that Patches is "only" getting into heat. When my Katz was 9 months old, she started peeing in one corner of the room, and when I got her spayed, she immediately stopped doing this. But you have to find out if it's heath related or not.


  7. #7
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    May 2002
    I called that 1800 number and it said everyone was busy leave your name and # and they would call back, I did and they never called back So I will call again torrow, thanks everyone so far, for your advice!!

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I was told by a online vet that it sounds as if Patches just needs fixed, And I plan on doing that as soon as I hear from that Vet 1800 # I called. Right now she is running around GRRRRRRing alot, and annoying Princess and Tony until they hold her down and clean her lol, Thanks again for the help. I will keep ya updated on my little Patches!!

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Glendale, AZ
    Originally posted by cutie_chica
    I called that 1800 number and it said everyone was busy leave your name and # and they would call back, I did and they never called back So I will call again torrow, thanks everyone so far, for your advice!!
    Just keep calling. We have helped several people out with this number and have saved them quite a few $$$$$. Good luck!
    Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is a full management plan in which stray and feral cats already living outdoors in cities, towns, and rural areas are humanely trapped, then evaluated, vaccinated, and sterilized by veterinarians. Kittens and tame cats are adopted into good homes. Healthy adult cats too wild to be adopted are returned to their familiar habitat under the lifelong care of volunteers

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    There is no reason for it to be that expensive!! Good Grief! You keep checking around because I really think you can get much better prices. I know that the shelter here offers low cost spay and neuter clinics at certain times. You might want to call your local shelter to see if they can give you any info on that.
    Hopefully she just needs to be fixed and there is nothing wrong, but you need to find out. They do weird things when they are in heat!!
    Keep us posted!!!

  11. #11
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    May 2002
    Catlady, If you can tell me what shealters by you offer this low cost spaying, I will drive to Shelbyville, I was told its not 2 far from here. I will do anything to get Patches better These people from the 1800 # havent called back yet, Im loosing hope. THEN Pets 911, On their website after you fill out the form, the next page isnt loading, and I loose everything...

    My Kitties Are Love!

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    According to, Shelbyville and Nicholasville are somewhat close to one another. What I suggest you do, cutie_chica is get out your yellow pages and start calling vets in the area. IF you have a local shelter, spca, whatever in the area, call there first and ask for referrals. IF you have a pet store or groomer in the area, call there, and see who they recommend for spay/nuetering. Don't just rely on one attempt, or get discouraged so easy.

  13. My kitty Thunder does pee around the house my mom gets so mad at her. She was in heat before and she already had alittle of kittys they grew up.And well she still peed i the house she would not use the litter box. We started to put vinager in the spots she peed.Because when a cat pees they usally pee in the same spot so we put vinager in that spot because it got rid of the smell. And plus cats do not like that smell much plus it erases the smell they peed at.Cats like to mark there tritorry some times.And my kitty S doesnt pee any more that we know of. But yes i do think that it is just a part of being in heat.It could be uriney infectoin also but maybe go to your local shelter to ask them.
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  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Patches and I are going to call some vets bright and early in the morning. She hasnt peed again, but she needs fixed, this is a must. Thanks guys for not getting annoyed with me lol

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