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Thread: I'm in trouble with the law

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah

    I'm in trouble with the law

    I got a nice little present from the City where I live on New Years Eve. An officer from animal control came to my house and issued me a citation because I'm in violation of having too many of one species of animal in my home - now I have to go to court and fess up to my heinous crime. 4 cats are 2 too many - they will make me relocate 2. I'm devastated - but they're going to make a liar out of me because not one of my furkids will be going anywhere - they will have to kill me to get to them. Too bad people have to be so hateful - my faith in humanity has been shattered. These people are my neighbors who turned me in and it makes me sick. I don't know what will happen but after I take care of this matter, I get harassed again, I have no choice but to move. How would anyone else handle this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Yes Spencer - they've caused me a tremendous amount of suffering to say the least - but the only way anyone can come into my house is by getting a warrent and I seriously doubt that will happen - I am a homeowner although a live in a condo complex governed by what they call CC & R's which are the rules that are enforced by the Board. According to these CC & R's I am only allowed one pet which must be under 35 lbs. I moved into this area with 3 cats 12 years ago - was not given a copy of the CC & R's, had no idea that they even existed until several years later. I rented the place for 2 years (no CC & R's) and ended up buying the place (still no CC & R's). I feel that the new Board (just elected) want to make an example out of me. If I had known, before I bought the place that this pet rule existed, I wouldn't have bought the place in the beginning. Since then I've put a lot of money into home improvements, but I think I could sell and get this money out of it if I have to. This remains to be seen.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    My neighborhood community is just that Spencer - I recently install new windows throughout my entire condo - I needed the Board's approval to do this - also painting on the outside is done by the Board and through people that the Board approves - also everything outside the condo is repaired under the supervison of the Board - all the landscaping, roofs, etc. That's why I pay a large Maintenance Fee to live there - but everything inside the condo is my property and my responsibility. Animals are considered property and hence I think that should tell the tale. However, the NAZI Board doesn't feel that way. You know it would be different if I didn't care about my furkids - all are spayed and neutered and well fed and cared for - they're not allowed to roam the neighborhood and cause a riff with my neighbors. Oh by the way - the officer that came to my home made me license 2 cats and my dog right on the spot. So now that's not an issue. Anyway I'm getting ready to call the Court and see what's involved on the Citation - if I really need to appear before a Judge - what the fine may be etc. I'll keep ya posted. And Spencer, thank you for your help!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont
    Oh my.

    I am not an attorney although I do manage a law firm in Vermont.

    We once had a client who was asked to get rid of her dog because of the rules in the condo. She was allowed to keep her pet as a result of her going to a mental health provider and having him/her issue a statement saying that the companion was the main stay of this person's life blah blah blah...and she was allowed to keep it. I believe she had to put a deposit toward the pet's escrow!...and of course, she had to engage a lawyer. We did it pro bono (no charge)..... You may want to go that route and say that as the pets expire (how awful a thought) you will not add to your group...and then, I would keep them inside...

    Good luck and keep us informed.

    By the way, the lawyer's fee would have been around $500 dollars. Never went to court, but there was negotiating performed.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    SasVermont - proof - it all comes down to the one and only thing that counts Money, Money, Money!!!! How sad

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    I, too, know a few people who 'went around the rules' by getting a statement from their Dr. regarding their pets.

    Good luck, keep us up-dated!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Purrley, I'm so sorry that this happened, instead of being happy the pets are being taken care of there are those people who just don't care. Our daughter bought quite an expensive house and she has the same problem, can't have this can't do that. It seems the worse people in the community are always on the board, they love the power.
    Good luck and I hope it turns out good for you.

    [ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: Jackie ]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    canada ontario
    if you love your cat,s and i now you do move to a new apt. keep up a good fight for your 4 babey,s as they are your family.give your cat,s a big hug and kiss i have a cat her name is angel and i love her with all my heart.
    take care.

    Hi all cat lovers have a nice day. chack out my meassge Board at

  9. #9
    I lived in a townhouse when my husband and I got married. Similar to what you described -- ownership, exterior maintenance provided (big maintenance fee) interior maintenance owners' responsibility.

    I had learned from previous experience with a very secretive condo board to ATTEND ALL MEETINGS. Pets came up at one of these meetings and the whole issue was hotly debated by both board members and non-board members. There were complaints of noisy pets (one man's ceiling is another man's floor -- or wall as the case may be) pets left to run lose in the complex, business not being picked up, etc.

    Where as people who volunteer for boards do tend to like control, etc., I am forced to admit that I was too lazy to volunteer for the board myself. And, in this case at least, they put up with some really crazy and irate people. I'm not sure I could have without losing my cool far more than they did.

    Unfortunately they sometimes had to make seemingly inane rules to deal with stupid people -- which is often a fact of life, no?

    We made friends with board members so we would know in advance what was going on, could get our voice heard about issues, and have some "clout" (this is Chicago after all!)

    So you might contact some of the board members. Ask for their help in understanding what the issue is here. You may find some of them very reasonable (and pet lovers too) who will help you around the situation.

    If not, at least you will know better who and what you are dealing with and what your options are.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    I just called the court and all they want is my money. $100.00 will clear up the problem. I was given the option to appeal this to a judge if I so desired - otherwise just pay the fine and be done with it. I think I'm going to do this. They didn't need any proof of relocation or anything. Now my big question would be - how many times can I be turned in for this violation. I have no intention of giving up any of my family. I guess next time I'll just lie through my teeth and say they must be mistaken - I don't have an excess of pets. My word is just as good as anyone elses.

    Edwina - I understand what you're saying. You know I know most of the Board Members and I have served on a commitee (which I have been removed from). I really don't understand why someone would be hateful enough to cause me this problem, but I kinda think it stems from across the street with an asshole that is now on the Board that I turned in a couple years ago for beating his dog. This is just speculation, but it makes a lot of sense. Anyway I'm just hoping the Board doesn't continue to make me an issue and impose continuing fines on me as time goes by - then I'll have no recourse other than to move.

    The commitee that I was on dealt with this very problem. I'm all and for dealing with as you said "stupid people" who grossly defy the rules - let their dogs bark, do-do on peoples property etc and it's those people who cause all the trouble for responsible people (like myself). I too, would not like to be part of the Board due to exactly what you said "deal with irate people". But I sure as hell would survey the problem and make sure that there really was a problem before I'd go out and pursecute honest, caring and responsible people.

    [ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: purrley ]

    [ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: purrley ]

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    Why don't you go to your GP (doctor) and have him/her give you a statement saying that these pets are what keep you going each day - you know the drill.

    I understand why some rules are created but think there is always room for modification and especially on a case by case basis.

    Do you let your cats run outside? Maybe that is the problem?

    Let me know.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    No Sas - all my cats are indoor babies, all spayed and neutered and simply angels, of course. I am a recovering alcoholic and I know my doctor would write a letter stating that this harassment is hazardous to my sobriety. Maybe this is the way to go. I've been sober for 9 years by the way.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    New York, NY,USA

    These anti-pet laws really make me mad! I can't believe that people would complain about your cats when they are indoor pets and don't bother anyone!
    Well, I hope you're able to convince them that you should be able to keep your babies. Good luck!

    PS- Congratulations on your 9 years of sobriety! That's quite an accomplishment.

    Many thanks to Kay for the fabulous sig!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    I'm so sorry to hear that you are having
    to deal with such vindictative people.What's
    worse is also having to live around jerks
    like that! I don't see how Animal Control
    would get involved unless you had violated
    some city or county ordinence (number of
    animals per residence).Some towns really do
    have limits. But well cared for indoor kitties ? That's just plain stupid !!
    I'm sorry for the stress thes dumbos have
    caused you. You need to save your strength
    for keeping up with Tess..LOL.
    I'd hire an attorney if need be to prevent
    further harressment by the 'condo ' Like
    Spencer has said I don't think they would
    want to face a costly lawsuit.
    Very best of luck with this Purrley !!!

    [ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: lizbud ]
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    I can't believe these folks are bothering with you if your pets are inside. What the heck? You may need to find a lawyer and if you don't mind calling around, there may just be one person (probably new to the legal field) who would take this matter for you for free or very little. The other thing you don't want to do is tick these folks off so that your life is made more miserable while living there. I would go the Doctor route for sure. Seems less expensive and more realistic to me. I wish you lived in Vermont....the lawyers are very generous around here and do lots of pro bono work.

    Keep us informed.

    You know, with all the crime and polution problems you would think the condo board could come up with something better to complain about than pets that are being kept inside.

    Go figure.


    P. S. Congrats for keeping up the good work for the last nine years.

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